27 октября 2010 г.

"Poveţile Zînei" la biblioteca "I.Mangher"

Pe data de 25 octombrie , în cadrul celei de a 14-cea ediţii a Festivalului de carte evreiască, „scena mare” a teatrului din biblioteca „I.Mangher” a găzduit „actorii” de la Casa de tip familial.

Copiii au pregătit înscenarea basmuluiPoveţile Zînei”.

...Lenuţa cea harnică, Viorica cea lenoasă, Baba haină, Prinţul Artur, dar şi spectatorii din sală au luat aminte la poveţile  Zînei cele bune, au rîs şi au retrăit îmreună cu cei din scenă. 

Copiii au făcut cunoştinţă cu expoziţia de carteBasme fermecate de prin lume adunate”, după care s-a încins o discuţie aprinsă despre personajele preferate din poveştile cunoscute.

“The Role of Books and Libraries in Spiritual Adaptation of Handicapped Children”.
On October 25, 2010 the performance organized and prepared by the Library and the Center of Social Adaptation of Disabled Children was held at the Library.

At the Summer Camp in July the book “Fairy’s Advices: A Beautiful Fairy Tale Written And Illustrated By Children” was presented to 20 children, inmates of the Center. They were suggested to stage the book. A. Bors, the Head of the Main Reading Room of the Library, wrote the play, O. Sivac, the Head of the Department of the Foreign Languages, took responsibility of decorations and costumes, T. Ischimji, Chief Librarian, was responsible for public relations.

Unfortunately the authors of the book, who are grown-ups already, could not come to the Library, as for disabled people the problem of transportation is still the most difficult and vital one. But the artist Pavel Vrabie send his illustrations for the book and they decorated the hall of the Theater.

Young actors and actresses played expressively and emotionally. When the play was over children took books with them to the Center.

Olga Sivac

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